Wheat Aphids


(   Leptocorisa oratorius )

Order:  Hemiptera
Family: Alydidae


1. Name of Pest:   Wheat Aphids.

2. Host plants: Wheat, oats, barley, rice and corn

2 .When its occur:  

  • Aphids often can be present on wheat in the late spring.

  • Infestation usually occurs during second fortnight of January till crop maturity.

Aphid Activity in Wheat: 

4. How to identify insect pest:   

  • Small and soft-bodied and may be yellow, green, black or pink in color depending on species.
  • Yellow with dark green legs.

6. Damage Symptoms:      

  • Yellow or white streaked leaves are found.
  • Curling of flag leaf in wheat.
  • stunted tillers and roots growth of plants.

  • Reddish discoloration usually starts at the tip of the flag leaf and moves downward; eventually in wheat the leaves may appear yellow, red or purple in color.

7. Management Practice:    

     A. Cultural Methods:   

  • Select certified varieties that are well-suited for the growing area.
  • Crop can be sown in November, not after.
  • Intercrop the wheat with Oilseed crops to reduces Wheat Aphids.
  • Use of Balanced Nitrogenous fertilizers.
  • Remove infested plants, grains and wheat grasses.

     B. Biological Methods:

  • Apply biological control agents like parasitic wasps, predators, ladybird beetles and lacewings which can eat hundreds of aphids in a lifetime.

     C. Mechanical and Physical Methods:(Trap Methods):

  • Use of Yellow Sticky Traps/Ribbon Traps .
  • Use orange peel: 5 Kg/100 litre of water.
         👉Methods: 5kg orange peel dip for 24 hours in 100 litres of water in a drum, 24 hours after separate the water and spray it.
  •  Spray Azadirachtin 1% EC(10000 Ppm ) @ 3 Ml / Lit Of Water.


      D. Chemical Methods::

  • Spray Acephate 75% SP @ 1.5 GM / 2 Lit Of Water. (Asataf,starthane,lancer,lucid)
  • Spray Acetamiprid 20% SP @1 GM/5 Liter Of Water.( Manik,ekka)
  • Spray Acephate 50% + Imidacloprid 1.8% (51.8%) @ 2 GM / Lit Of Water.
  • Spray Buprofezin 15% + Acephate 35 % WP @ 2.5 GM /lit Of Water. (Tapuz-adama)
  • Spray Cartap Hydrochloride 50% SP @ 1 GM / Lit Of Water. (artox, critap, padan, caldan, sanvex, crataf)
  • Spray Chlorfenapyr 10 % SC @ 2 Ml / Lit Of Water. (Interprid,dynapyer,lepido)
  • Spray Diafenthiuron 50% WP @ 1 GM / Lit Of Water. (Pegasas,polo)
  • Spray Ethiprole 40 % + Imidacloprid 40% WG @ 1 Gm / 3 Lit Of Water. (Glamour)
  • Spray Flonicamid 50% WG @ 1 GM / 5 Lit Of Water. (Ulalla)
  • Spray Fipronil 4 % + Acetamiprid 4 % (8 % SC) @ 2 Ml / Lit Of Water. (Parviz-adama)
  • Spray Imidacloprid 17.8% SL @ 1 Ml / 5 Lit Of Water (Confidor, tatamida, chemida, atom, imidagold, maharaja,hilmida) 
  • Spray Imidacloprid 70 % SL @ 1 Ml / 5 Lit Of Water. (Admire )
  • Spray Spiromesifen 22.9% SC @ 1 Ml / Lit Of Water. (Oberon)
  • Spray Thiamethoxam 25% WG @ 1 Gm / 2 Lit Of Water. (Ektara,click,renova,evident,extra Super)

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