( Leptocorisa oratorius )
Order: Hemiptera
Family: Alydidae
1. Name of Pest: Gundhi Bug or Rice bug or stink bugs or Ear head bug.
2. Host plants: Paddy
3.When its occur:
- The maximum population is usually observed during September to November months.
- Favorable Temperature 27° 28°C Relative Humidity 80-82%.
- The population of the rice bug increases at the end of the rainy season.
- They are less active during the dry season.
- Adults are active during the late afternoon and early morning. Under bright sunlight, they hide in grassy areas.
- They are more common in rainfed and upland rice and prefer the flowering to milky stages of the rice crop.
- The bugs prefer to attack milk stage grains.
4. How to identify insect pest:
- Eggs: oval, shiny, and reddish brown eggs.Female lay 250-300 eggs in two or three straight rows alongside mid rib on upper surface of leaf blade.
- Nymphs: Newly hatched nymphs are green but turn brown as they grow.2 mm long,Nymphs feed gregariously.
- Adult : Adults are greenish yellow.long and slender and measures about 16-19 mm long .Diurnal(Daytime) in habit but active during early morning and evening.feeding on endosperm of rice grains.
🔺 Rice fields severely affected by the bug emit a repugnant smell, hence the name gundhi bug.
5. What does it do :
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Damage Symptoms of Gundhi bug in Paddy |
6. Damage Symptoms:
- The nymphs and adults suck the milk from the developing grains and stem in the early stage of grain formation.
- Due to de-sapping, grains show brownish discolored patches on the husk.
- Black spots on the grains at the site of feeding puncture.
- Discoloration of panicles as well as the presence of some empty or ill filled grains in the panicles.
- In the case of heavy infestation, the whole ear head may become devoid of mature grains.
- Infested paddy straw contains foul smell during milky stage.
7.Management Practice:
A. Cultural Methods:
- Careful observation during milking stage.
- The removal of alternate hosts such as weeds and grasses in and out of paddy fields to prevent population build-up of rice bugs.
- Cultural control measures include early planting, and the use of late-maturing variety.(Anamika, Dharitri,CR Dhan 304,CR Dhan 407, CR Dhan 507 etc (130-150 days).
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keep the field weed free |
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Avoid of chemical spray |
- Avoid the use of chemical pesticides so that the field is a suitable environment for natural predators of rice bugs, such as tiger beetles.
B. Biological Methods:
- Small wasps Parasitize the eggs and the Meadow grasshoppers prey on (Kill) them.
- Both the adults and nymphs are prey to spiders, Coccinellid beetles, dragonflies.
C. Mechanical and Physical Methods:(Trap Methods):
- Collection of the bugs by hand netting is suggested. Sweeping of rice plants with winnows smeared with sticky material like castor oil.
- Trap adult bugs using a light trap @ 1-2 no/acre, sweep net and dirty trap of cattle urine/dung and then destroy the traps by suitable means.
- Keep on hanging the cattle urine soaked gunny bag or cow dung wrapped cloth in the field, just at the height of the crop to attract the bugs.
- Use of 100 gms of oyster, snail or earthworm meat mixed with 8-10 drops of Chlorpyriphos 20% EC OR Fipronil 5 % SC @ 1 ml can be tied in a cloth bundle and the level of the sheaf in the paddy field can be tied in a stick. ( use 20 No cloth bundle per acre.)
D. Chemical Methods:
👉 bug population observed during flowering stage, application of the insecticide may be done either before 9 a.m. or after 3 p.m. so that fertilization of the flowers is not adversely affected.
- 🚫 Spraying of Monocrotophos 1.6 ml or Endosulfan 2 ml per litre of water once at flowering and another at grain hardening stage or dusting of Endosulfan 4 % or Carbaryl 5 % @ 25 kg/ha in evening hours. If needed application has to be repeated after 10 days.
- 🚫 Dusting of Malathion @ 30 kg/ha or spraying malathion 50% EC @ 2 ml/l of water or
- Spray Chlorpyriphos 20% EC @ 3 Ml/lit Of Water.
- Spray Imidacloprid 6 % +Lambda Cyhalothrin 4 % S.L @ 0.6 ml/ Liter of water or 300 ml/ha (500 Lit. of water)(INOVEXIA).
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