Brown rust or Leaf rust of Wheat

 Brown rust or Leaf rust of Wheat

Causal agents: Puccinia triticina

1. Mode of transmission/ dissemination:

air borne pathogen spread by wind.

2. Alternate host is : Wheat, Barley and rye  (Thalictrum sp.)

3. Period of occurrence:

Primary infections develop from wind deposited urediniospores in eastern Indo-Gangetic plains in middle of January where it multiplies and moves westwards by March. 

👉Mostly disease occur February to March  on west Bengal 

4. Why and where it occurs:

  • Temperatures Between 20-25° C with free moisture condition (rain or dew) with 100% humidity cause epidemics. Severe infection causes up to 30 percent yield losses.
  • stems, leaves and grains.

5. Symptoms:

  • Symptoms are circular or oval, orange pustules on the upper surface of infected leaves. 
  • The spores within these pustules are easily move or dislodged and cover hands and clothing with an orange dust. 

: Rust of Wheat

  • As the wheat ripens, this orange stage turns into a new stage of the fungus, which is black, and often a mixture or orange and black stages will be intermingled on a leaf.
  • Wheat ears are late to come out.
  • The number of grains is less and grains size is smaller than normal.
  • Not properly developed of roots.
  • Plants growth become stunted therefore hay/Straw production also decreases.

6. Management:

    A. Preventive measures: 

  • Use disease resistance variety like : DBW 17, PBW 550,HD2781 (Aditya), HD2888(Pusa Wheat) etc.
  • Use Disease and weed free seed.
  • Seed should be treated with Carbendazim 50 % W.P @ 2 gram / liter of water or Mancozeb 75 % W.P @ 2.5 gram/ liter of water for 1 kg of seed . 
  • Keep a close eye on weather conditions because rust spores spread through wind currents to promote disease.

    B. Cultural methods:

  • Field should be clean and weed free.
  • Infected leaf and plant should be uprooted.

    C. Chemical methods:


  • Earlier of the disease infestation  spray Zinc or Manganese Dithiocarbonate 0.2 % (2 Gram/Lit. of water)
  • Recommended For Spray Azoxystrobin 25% EC @ 1 Ml / Lit Of Water. (Amister, miradore, saras). 
  •  Recommended For Spray Mancozeb 75% WP @ 2.5 Gm / Lit Of Water. 
  • Recommended For Spray Propiconazole 25% SC @ 1.5 Ml / 2 Lit Of Water. (Tilt, result, built, squas, remote). 
  • Recommended for spray Tebuconazole 18.3% + Azoxystrobin 11% (75% SC )  @ 1 ml / lit of water. (Custodia).
  • Recommended for spray Propiconazole 11.4%. Trifloxystrobin 11.4% EC @ 1 ML / LIT. OF WATER. ( Stratego)

Source: various Books and Internet.


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