Mustard Disease

Alternaria blight or Alternaria leaf spot

Caused by Alternaria brassicae

Introduction : 

  • Mustard contributes 32 % of  the total oilseed production in India.
  • Average yield losses about 30- 60 % due to Alternaria Blight.
  • Mostly affects Cruciferous crop, including Broccoli and Cauliflower.  

About Pathogen: 

    • Caused by Alternaria brassicae.
    • Infection occurs in younger plants it caused Damping off.

    Survival and spread:

    • The disease is externally and internally seed borne.
    • The pathogen survives through spores (conidia) or mycelium in diseased plant debris or weed.

    Favourable conditions : 

    • The diseases are favored by warm temperatures (60-78° F or (12-25 °C ) ) and at least 12 hours of relative humidity of 90 % or more. 
    • Intermittent rains .

    Disease symptoms:

    • Mostly the disease occurs in lower leaf latar small circular brown necrotic spots which slowly increase in size.
    Fig.: Alternaria leaf spot

    Many concentric spots merge  to cover large patches  as a result blighting and defoliation occurs  in severe cases.
    • Circular to linear, dark brown lesions also develop on stems and pods, which are elongated at later stage.
    • Infected pods produce small, discolored and wrinkled  seeds.


    Cultural control:

    • Use of healthy seeds for sowing should be recommended.
    • Use of certified/resistant/tolerant variety of seeds.
    • Seed treatment.
    • Adopt timely sowing between 10-25 October.
    • Crop rotations with non-cruciferous crops (Pulses,Cereals,Tomato, Potato,leafy vegetables etc.).
    • Collect and destroy the affected plant portions after the harvest of the crop.
    • Follow proper field sanitation.
    • Remove weeds particularly collateral host plants.
    • Apply recommended dose of potash to reduce disease incidence.
    • Avoid of irrigation at flowering and pod formation stages may help to reduce the disease infestans.

     Biological Control:

    • Spray of soil isolates of Trichoderma viride @ 4-5 gram/Lit. of water at 45 and 75 days after sowing.
    • Garlic  bulb  extract  @  15%  (w/v), 
    • Neem  leaf  extract@  15%  (w/v),  
    • Trichoderma harzianum @ 10g/ Lit. of water 

    Chemical Control: 

    • Foliar spray with Mancozeb (0.2%) at 45 DAS followed by Hexaconazole (0.05%) at 60 DAS was found most effective results.
    • Spray Mancozeb 75% Wp @ 2.5 GM / Lit Of Water. (Dithane  M45 ,uthane ,manjit, indofil M45).
    • Spray Metalaxyl-M/Mefenoxam 4% + Mancozeb 64% (68% Wp)  @ 2.5 GM  / Lit Of Water. (Ridomil Gold,siscon).
    • Azoxystrobin 23% SC (Amistar,Miradore,Saras) @ 1 ml/Liter Of Water.
    • Propiconazole 25% EC (Tilt,Result,Built,) @ 1.5 ml/ 2 Liter Of Water.



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