Sheath blight of Rice

Sheath Blight of Rice

(Rhizoctonia solani)

Mode of transmission/ dissemination: Soil,Irrigation water

Period of occurrence: The fungus affects the crop from Tillering  to Flowering stage.

Why and where it occurs:

  • Relative humidity of crop canopy from 85−100%.
  • Temperature from 28-32 °C
  • high levels of nitrogen fertilizer
  • High seeding rate or closing plant spacing
  • Frequent rain or Rainy season.
  • August to September month mostly occurs.


  • Initial symptoms are noticed on leaf sheaths at just above the water level.
  • Lesions are oval or ellipsoid in shape,about 1 cm.,water-soaked spots which are greenish-gray in color.
Sheath Rot 
  • As the spots spread, the centre or leaf blades becomes greyish white with an irregular blackish brown or purple brown border.
  • Lesions on the upper parts of plants expand rapidly merge with each other to cover entire tillers from the water line to the flag leaf. 
  • At severe condition drying of leaves.Infected leaves dry out and die more rapidly, young tillers can also be destroyed
  • If symptoms occur at panicle initiation stage ,impact on grain filling.
  • Grains also become black in colour and Sticky rice occoure.
  • Impact on grain filling to the premature death of plants and lodging with a significant reduction in grain yield and quality. 


     Preventive method:

  • Seed treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescens @ of 4g/kg of seed followed by seedling dip @ of 2.5 kg or products/ha dissolved in 100 litres and dipping for 30 minutes.
  • Soil application of P.fluorescens @ of 2.5 kg/ha after 30 days of transplanting (This product should be mixed with 50 kg of FYM/Sand and then applied.
  • Foliar spray of Pseudomonas fluorescens at 0.2% concentration ,commencing from 45 days after transplanting at 10 days interval for 3 times depending upon the intensity of disease.

    Cultural Practices:

  • Selecting a rice variety that is less susceptible or moderately resistant to sheath blight.Like: Swarna-dhan,Vikramarya, Radha, Pankaj,Manasarovar, Mandya Vijaya etc.
  • Avoid using infected seed. 
  • To reduce the rate of nitrogenous fertilizer.
  • Use reasoned density of crop establishment.(direct seeding or transplanting).
  • Carefully control of weeds, especially on the levees.
  • Drain rice fields relatively early in the cropping season to reduce sheath blight epidemics. Check brown plant hopper population

   Chemical control: If the disease observed in the field than spray one of the following  Fungicide.Control of sheath blight has been mainly through the use of foliar fungicides.

  • Recommended for spray Validamycin 3% L (SHEATHMAR) @ 3 ml / lit of water.
  • Recommended For Spray Propiconazole 25% Sc @ 1.5 Ml / 2 Lit Of Water. (Tilt,result,built,squas,remote) or
  • Recommended For Spray Thifluzamide 24% Sc @ 1.5 Ml / 2 Lit Of Water. Or
  • Recommended For Spray Flusilazole 40% Ec @ 1 Ml / 2 Lit Of Water or
  • Recommended For Spray Tricyclazole 34.2% + Propiconazole 10.7% ( 44.9% Sc) @ 1 Ml / Lit. Of Water.(Filia) or
  • Recommended For Spray Hexaconazole 4% + Zineb 68% (72% Wp) @ 2 Gm / Lit Of Water. (Avtaar)or
  • Recommended For Spray Tebuconazole 50% + Trifloxystrobin 25% (75% Wg) @ 1.5 Gm / 2 Lit Of Water. (Netivo) or
  • Recommended For Spray Propiconazole 15% + Difenconzole 15% ( 30% Ec) @ 1.5 Ml / 2 Lit Of Water. (Armiur,nack)or
  • Recommended For Spray Flusilazole 12.5% + Carbendazim 25% (37.5% Sc) @ 1.5 Gm / Lit Of Water etc.

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